Two types of pricing are available on all GenotoulTRI sites:
auditable pricing and equipment pricing.
  • Auditable rates apply to technologies (confocal, cytometry, electronic, etc.) depending on the origin of the funding and the status (public, private) of the users.
  • The tariffs for each piece of equipment detail the applicable tariffs according to the status (public, private), the use in autonomy or with assistance and the time slots.
The evolution of the TRI platform is towards a generalisation of auditable tariffs for all sites. However, the definition of these tariffs will remain independent for each of these sites, their determination including the taking into account of criteria varying from one site to another according to the available technologies.

Auditable Rates

Prestation Comment Internal Academic Public Academic International Academic Private autonomous Private assistance
Macroscopie Regroupe les appareils de type AxioZomm 8.53 8.53 47.91 51.26 54.61
Microscopie champ large Regroupe les appareils de type Champ large ou Bioluminescence 6.98 6.98 51.78 55.41 59.03
Microscopie confocale et microdissection laser Regroupe les appareils de microscopie confocale et les microdissecteurs laser 19.42 19.42 43.40 86.81 108.51
Microscopie FLIM Regroupe les appareils de type FLIM 43.74 43.74 117.35 152.55 176.02
Microtomie Regroupe vibratome et cryostat 3.28 3.28 25.55 27.33 29.12
PC analyse PC d'analyse 10.49 10.49 30.21 32.32 34.44
RAMAN RAMAN 70.20 70.20 263.32 281.76 300.19
Scanners à plat Regroupe les appareils de type scanner A3 et tiroirs 20.77 20.77 80.48 86.11 91.75
Scanners de lames Regroupe les appareils de type NanoZoomer 11.34 11.34 22.87 48.03 51.46

Prestation Comment Internal Academic Public Academic International Academic Private autonomous Private assistance
Analyse de data de cytometrie Analyse de data de cytometrie 0 0 0 0 0
Cytométrie Analyse heure sur cytomètre analyseur 18 30.79 76.76 88.68 143.57
Cytométrie tri cellulaire heure de tri cellulaire 40 41.63 144.22 166.91 182.65

Prestation Comment Internal Academic Public Academic International Academic Private autonomous Private assistance
PC Analyses Harmony Utilisation PC / heure 4.93 6.9 6.9 16.9 67.81
Utilisation de l'Opera Utilisation de l'Opera / heure 44.48 44.48 62.27 105.58 151.32

Rates list

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
Scanner de lames Conf 25.40 25.40 12.60 50.80 50.80 0

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
PC solo Autre 10.49 30.21 10.49 30.21 32.32 0
Axiozoom Phénotypage Photonique 8.53 47.91 8.53 51.26 54.61 0
Axiozoom1 Photonique 8.53 47.91 8.53 51.26 54.61 0
Axiozoom2 Photonique 8.53 47.91 8.53 51.26 54.61 0
Biolum Photonique 6.98 51.78 6.98 55.41 59.03 0
Confocal SP8 Photonique 19.42 43.40 19.42 86.81 108.51 0
Confocal SP8_2017 Photonique 19.42 43.40 19.42 86.81 108.51 0
Cryostat Photonique 3.28 25.55 3.28 27.33 29.12 0
FLIM1 STREAK Photonique 43.74 117.35 43.74 152.55 176.02 0
FLIM2 STREAK Photonique 43.74 117.35 43.74 152.55 176.02 0
FLIM3 SP8 SMD Photonique 43.74 117.35 43.74 152.55 176.02 0
Inv2 Photonique 6.98 51.78 6.98 55.41 59.03 0
Keyence Photonique 6.98 51.78 6.98 55.41 59.03 0
Microdissecteur Photonique 19.42 43.40 19.42 86.81 108.51 0
Nanozoomer Fluo Photonique 11.34 22.87 11.34 48.03 51.46 0
Nanozoomer HT Photonique 11.34 22.87 11.34 48.03 51.46 0
Nikon3 Photonique 6.98 51.78 6.98 55.41 59.03 0
Nikon4 Photonique 6.98 51.78 6.98 55.41 59.03 0
RAMAN CARS SRS Photonique 70.20 263.32 70.20 281.76 300.19 0
Spinning Disk Photonique 19.42 43.40 19.42 86.81 108.51 0
Vibratome1 Photonique 3.28 25.55 3.28 27.33 29.12 0
Vibratome2 Photonique 3.28 25.55 3.28 27.33 29.12 0

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
Axioscan 7 Photonique 19 19 19 60 120 0
Conf Zeiss LSM780 Photonique 28 28 28 75 75 6
Conf Zeiss LSM900 Photonique 28 28 28 75 75 6
SIM/SMLM Zeiss Elyra Photonique 28 28 28 75 75 6
WF Zeiss Photonique 15 15 15 60 60 6

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
Apotome Zeiss inv Photonique 14 40 14 84 84 10
BPho Bruker 2P+ drt Photonique 22 48 22 90 90 10
BPho Zeiss 7MP drt Photonique 22 48 22 90 90 10
Conf Leica SP8 inv Photonique 26 45 26 96 96 10
Conf Zeiss 710 inv Photonique 26 45 26 96 96 10
Leica MICA inv Photonique 18 18 18 90 28 10
Leica Stellaris 8 Photonique 26 45 26 96 96 10
PC Imaris Photonique 5 15 5 45 45 10
PC Imaris Fil. Trac. PC 5 15 5 45 45 10
Spinning Disk / TIRF inv Photonique 22 48 22 90 90 10

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
ImagerM2 Apotome (Drt Zeiss) Champ large 17.08 33.14 11 33.14 50.76 0
WF LEICA Drt MIV DM6-FS Champ large 17.08 33.14 11 33.14 50.76 0
ASB3 - BiP LAVISION Confocal 23.74 23.74 23.74 142.39 149.51 0
FV1000 (Olympus - Inv) Confocal 23.74 116.56 14 142.39 149.51 0
FV1000 (Olympus - Inv) Champ large 17.08 33.14 11 50.76 68.51 0
LSM710 (Inv Zeiss) Confocal 23.74 116.56 14 142.39 149.51 0
LSM710 (Inv Zeiss) Biphoton 35.71 112.19 21 163.99 196.79 0
BPho FLIM 7MP (Drt Zeiss) Photonique 35.71 112.19 21 163.99 196.79 0
Spining disk Olympus/Andor Photonique 23.74 23.74 23.74 142.39 149.51 0
WF LEICA Drt Macrofluo IONIPA Photonique 17.08 33.14 11 33.14 50.76 0
SIM Elyra 7 Lattice (Inv Zeiss) SuperResolution_SIM 42.34 316.24 30 381.54 358.70 0
SIM Elyra 7 Lattice (Inv Zeiss) Champ large 23.74 116.56 14 142.39 149.51 0

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
Opera Phenix Photonique 44.48 62.27 44.48 105.58 151.32 0

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
Cell Discoverer 7 Photonique 12.50 30 30 120 120 60
FRAP/PA Photonique 11 15 15 120 120 0
Leica SP5 Conf 12.5 35 35 90 90 0
Leica SP8 droit Photonique 12.5 35 35 90 90 0
Leica SP8 inv Photonique 12.5 35 35 90 90 0
Mangeascope (RIM/SIM) Photonique 10 45 45 120 120 0
Nikon i-SPT PALM STORM Autre 16 65 65 130 130 0
Nikon TIRF WF 11 40 40 90 90 0
Pince Optique Photonique 10 30 30 120 120 0
Spinning-disk/Opto Photonique 16 30 30 120 120 0
WF Nikon vivant WF 11 40 40 90 90 0
Zeiss 710 Big Photonique 12.5 35 35 90 90 0
Zeiss LSM880 AiryScan Photonique 12.5 35 35 90 90 0

Hardware name Type Internal public tariff Other public rate Partner public rate Private rate Private rate with assistance Engineer rate
AFM Confocal 12 15 12 100 193 93
AFM FRAP 20 35 20 100 193 93
AFM TIRF 12 15 12 100 193 93
Conf LSM880 Zeiss Photonique 17 21 17 31 73 42
LSFM MacroSpim Photonique 6 35 6 43 85 42
LSFM Z7 Zeiss Photonique 21 67 21 376 418 42
Operetta - Perkin Elmer Photonique 54 67 54 90 132 42
WF Vidéomicroscope - Apotome Zeiss Photonique 13 37 13 48 90 42
WF Vidéomicroscope Zeiss Photonique 3 8 3 11 53 42